November 05 , 2008

See-Saw in a wild life park?


Is that See-Saw in a wild life park? nah, it’s only a mural.

October 28 , 2008

Morris 8

Morris 8 Classic car.

This sixty year old Morris 8 (E Series) is now immobile but she has found a perfect home – the Garage of a planters bungalow. There an old Motor bike and an antique foot cycle there to keep her company. Morris 8s, Minors and Travellers were said to be very popular amongst the Planters in the old days. So it’s more than like that this old lady spent some of her youth in a bungalow much like this one, many many years ago.

October 26 , 2008

King Fisher.

King Fisher

King Fisher’s are usually found close to water but this one was spotted at the Araliya Bungalow in Walahanduwa. A Kingfisher will perch on a wire or a tree branch and wait patiently for hours till a worm, a small fish or a frog emerges from it’s hideout. Then he will dive in an a sudden blur of color and grab the victim before it has a chance to dive back into cover.

October 20 , 2008

Under Construction.

Under Construction.

What’s under construction is the construction site in the picture and not this website. Work is being carried out on a house on an property adjoining our house in Battaramulla. By a great coincidence they started work on the same day that we started work on ours. We moved in four months ago after completion, theirs is still under construction. The owners (both husband and wife) happen to be architects and that probably explains the delay

October 13 , 2008

The Beruwala Beach.

Beruwala Beach

This I must admit is a cliche photo but the beach here certainly is well worth a visit specially if you have kids. You can wade for at least 10 meters before the water level comes upto your knees. You can wade another 50 more before it goes over your head.