October 11 , 2008

Return to Beruwela

Nights at Club Palm Bay Beruwela

When we visited Club Palm Bay, Beruwela a couple of months ago, the kids loved it. They loved it so much that they have been pestering us to go back and that’s just what we did on the weekend of the 27-28. This time the visit wasn’t so fun as last time around – half the – the left wing on the picture has been closed off for refurbished. This photo was in fact taken on the last visit, now the left wing is boarded up. That means fewer guests and I think they have let go of a few of the temporary staff due to that fact. That meant the service and the food had deteriorated. Still the stay was pleasant enough and we probably would go back there someday.

September 29 , 2008

Birthday over IP

Birthdays and Skype

Both my kids have their birthdays in September and when the cake is cut my sister and brother in law have usually been there in person. But this year, there are thousands of miles aware but still managed to join the party thanks to Skype.

September 26 , 2008

Rose Ringed Parakeet

The Parrot

September 24 , 2008

Take a load off your feet.

The sitting room

Come in take a seat, take a load off your feet. Welcome to my new house. Well you really can’t call it new anymore, it’s more than three months since we moved in here but this is only the second photo since moving in. The sofa was supplied by our interior decorators Koala (Pvt) Ltd. They matched the colors nicely but the kids crawled all over it and the areas that were once white are now a shade of brown – hence the reason for a night shot.

September 21 , 2008

The Vain Pea Fowl.

Pea Fowl

This peacock was admiring it’s reflection on the side of the car for quite some time before settling on it’s roof to wait for lunch. Lunch was rice and curry! Though it’s unusual, sometimes wild peacocks do find themselves strongly attached to humans and don’t fly away even when the children play roughly with it. This bird hasn’t yet grown the majestic set of tail feathers that peacocks are famous. It lives with the family of a care taker at a small estate in Seru Kele.